Meredith Fritz from Moms Demand Action (MDA) spoke to members of Indivisible TC, on Sunday, May 20th, at Horizon Bookstore. The MDA is part of Every Town for Gun Safety. She announced that there will be an action event at the Right Brain Brewery on Saturday June 2nd at 12:30 – 2:30. Everyone is asked to WEAR ORANGE to advocate for an end to Gun Violence in the United States. There will be speakers and fun things to do for the kids. The following are the major points she made during her presentation:
There are 4 million members of Every Town for Gun Safety/Moms Demand Action.
96 Americans a day are killed by gun violence with another two injured for every one killed. This statistic includes gun suicides.
Instead of calling gun deaths by their own hand suicides, they should be referred to as having died by gun violence.
No naming of shooters as it gives them publicity.
50 women per month are killed by an intimate partner.
MDA recommends that people with dangerous histories have their guns removed.
Criminal Background Checks should be required for everyone buying a gun including those buying from unlicensed sellers.
Permitless carry is dangerous. Training and checking is required.
Keep guns out of easily accessible places.
Keep guns off campuses.
Responsible gun ownership = (1) Responsible storage, (2) Prevent tragedy (3) Be smart with your guns
Push for Red Flag laws
June 1st light up buildings etc. with orange for gun safety.
Be careful about using language that offends 2nd amendment rights voters.