Recall Inman Community Forum

August 14, 2019
Woodmere Library
Traverse City, MI
Yesterday, August 14th, concerned members of the Grand Traverse Co. Community gathered to hear updates on the Recall Inman Forum held at the Woodmere Library.

At this point, the language of the recall petition has been accepted by the State Board of Canvassers. On August 12th, Inman filed an appeal. The State Court of Appeals must make a decision within 40 days. If it does not, we will be eligible to begin gathering signatures the last week of September. We will have 180 days to file with signatures and will have 60 days to complete the process.
It was pointed out that Inman absolutely has the right to due process, but that isn't what the recall is about. Since his indictment he's missed over 80 votes in the MI House which included votes on the budget, appropriations, school funding, roads and much more, all of which affect our county.
What it all boils down to is that Grand Traverse County has had no representation since May 14th, 2019. He was elected to do a job for us and he simply hasn't been showing up. If you think we need honest, committed representation for our district then think about volunteering for the campaign, make a donation, and help secure the 12K + signatures needed to get the recall vote on the March 2020 MI Primary ballot.
Here is what is needed:
50 people canvass for 2 weeks and get 250 signatures each.
100 people canvass for 3 days and 120 signatures each.
25 people canvass for 4 weeks and get 500 signatures each.
Go to to donate and get more information. This effort is sponsored by the Inman Recall Committee.

Harold Lassers and Mayor Jim Carruthers
Steve Horne and Kay Keating

Gretchen Iorio, Jen Johnson, Sylvia McCullough and Linda Pepper