Hentschel Is No Victim
Puslished in the Record Eagle, Sat. July 30, 2022

After the Rev. Dr. Wendy von Courter and two other brave women, stood up at a recent special meeting of the GT BOC and presented a petition asking Chair Hentschel to resign, the Record Eagle and the Traverse Ticker were finally forced to report on Hentschel’s abuse of his now ex-wife after ducking reporting of his despicable behavior for the last two years. In the article Hentschel was basically allowed to whine about his so-called bad treatment by the local county Democratic party, which outed his behavior in a “Beacon Special Report”, without once mentioning the horrendous sexual, physical and mental abuse reported by his then wife, under oath, in her request for protection from Hentschel which was denied. The denial of the PPO came from a judge who was dependent on Hentschel and the Republican block at the BOC for approval of her budget. Might it have been appropriate for her to recuse herself? For these reasons and many others, women often fail to report such abuse, fail to press charges, refuse to go public or testify in court. Hentschel is no victim. We, and women everywhere, who suffer such abuse in silence, are.