Letters to the Editor Can Help Democrats Win in 2018

With #45 in the White House and Louisiana Jack serving as his acolyte, the 2018 election is our first and best opportunity to save our democracy as we know it. As I read all of the various posts on social media I started to realize that Facebook, twitter, etc. contain excellent points, summaries and facts...but we end up preaching to the choir and not the general voter in our District.
Below is a listing of area newspapers and their circulation numbers. As you can see Letters to the Editor in local newspapers can reach thousands of potential voters that we don't have access to via social media (Facebook) or even email.
Newspapers # Readers

Alpena News 9,243
Charlevoix Courrier 3,000
Cheboygan Daily Tribune 6,100
Escanaba Daily News 6,500
Houghton-Mining Gazette 6,479
Iron Mountain Daily News 7,498
Ludington Daily News 7,200
Marquette-Mining Journal 12,086
Petoskey News 10,054
Record Eagle - Traverse City 29,000 (Sunday edition)
Sault Evening News 4,441

Between Bergman's atrocious voting record as well as Chatfield, Inman, Schmidt and too many state legislative representatives, and the fact that the Republicans have a 22,000-vote advantage in the 1st District via gerrymandering, we need to hammer these politicians relentlessly. Letters to the Editor are a free and effective way to accomplish this. I have attached two LTE's as examples of what has shown up in area papers. There was also a great LTE in the Sault Evening News pointing out the fact the Lee Chatfield (R-105th) voted to allow foreign ships to empty their ballasts in the Great Lakes thereby adding to the spread of invasive species.
Writing LTE’s and Forum pieces for the local paper, and newspapers in the 1st District will go a long way towards electing Democratic representatives in 2018.
**In addition, check out this link: http://www.grandtraversedems.com/resources to download "Newspapers, Contacts, and Letters to the Editor Limits."