Lesgislative Action Report, June 26, 2017

Legislative Actions Monday June 26, 2017
by Linda Pepper
I have been in California for the last 6 weeks because a family member needed help. I will here now and will try to keep with the Michigan Legislature.
Our Local Ticker had an interesting article this Sunday that highlighted the bills that Senator Schmidt and Representative Inman have introduced this year. Two that stand out are Senate Bill 80 which expands vehicle accident chemical analysis and Senate Bill 366 which authorizes a “provisional” concealed pistol permit for adults aged 18, 19 and 20. Senate
Bill 366 allows persons under 21 to apply for concealed carry pistol permits. It has been reported out of committee and has been referred to the whole Senate with the recommendation that it be passed.
Senate Bill 80 makes it easier for the law enforcement officer to direct that blood and urine be obtained after a serious accident. It has passed the Senate and is in the Judiciary committee of the House now.
Senator Schmidt has also sponsored Senate Bill 117 which allows no reason absentee ballots. It will make it easier to vote and my experience in Colorado made me an advocate of everyone having a mail in ballot so they can carefully consider ballot proposals and look up information on them.
Representative Inman has introduced only 2 bills in the House. One is a formality for budgeting and the other declares a Public Works Week in May. He is busy on the Finance committee and has made that his priority. I think it is great that the Ticker brought these bills to our attention.
Michigan Resistance
This week they are concentrating on several bills that have already passed the House and permit carrying concealed weapons without a permit and the 8 hour training class that are currently required. I am copying this from their email this week.
Oppose Michigan Legislature Bills HR 4416-4419
• HR 4416 - 4419 would eliminate concealed carry permits and the currently required gun safety/care training.
• The 8 hour training course provides gun owners with essential training on how to use, care for, and the consequences of gun use.
• This bill package would do the following:
o Allow anyone other than those convicted of a felony to carry a concealed pistol without a permit or training
o Exempt “carrying guns” from current laws that prohibit carrying dangerous weapons
o Eliminate laws that prohibited security guards from carrying firearms arms other than concealed weapons while on duty
Sen. Margaret O’Brien: 517-373-5100
Sen. Ken Horn: 517-373-1760
Sen. Rick Jones: 517-373-3447
Sen. Dale Zorn: 517-373-3543
Sen. Tory Rocca: 517-373-7315
Sen. Mike Green: 517-373-1777
Sen. Arlan Meekhof: 517-373-6920
Hi, I am calling to ask Senator ______ to OPPOSE HR 4416 through 4419 that eliminates the concealed carry training course and permit requirement if it is introduced in the senate. The current 8 hour class provides gun owners with essential training on how to use, care for, and the consequences of gun use. This information is important for gun owners as it informs them of important laws that they will not learn about elsewhere. My family and neighbors rely on Michiganders who practice concealed carry that are well-trained, educated on laws, and responsible. Please OPPOSE these bills if they are introduced to keep gun owners informed and our communities safe. Thank you.
Current Legislation
House Bill 4323 and 4313 have been passed by both the House and the Senate. They are the Omnibus Budget bills for the state government and the educational budget. They passed along party lines and they are awaiting Governor Snyder’s signature. This budget is a 2.9% increase over last year.
Several new bills have been introduced by Senator Rebekah Warren (D) to prevent new legislative restrictions on abortion. Senate Bill 451, 452 and 453 all relate to this aim. They have been referred to the Health Policy committee for consideration.
House Bills 4760, 4761, 4762, 4763, and 4765 which have been introduced by Representatives Pam Faris, Christine Greig, Vanessa Guerra, Kristy Pagan and Leslie Love respectively support the prevent of restrictions on the legal right to abortion.
Senate Bill 454 introduced by Senator Curtis Hertel Jr. (D) repeals a law to prohibit health insurance policies from including abortion coverage. It has also been referred to the Health Policy committee.
Senate Bill 458 introduced by Senator David Knezek (D) mandates that all health insurance policies include free birth control It has also been referred to the Health Policy committee.
Senate Bill 466 asserts a right to clean, accessible and affordable drinking water. This may impose a duty for someone to pay for this water if the person does not. This was introduced by Senator Coleman Young II (D) and referred to the committee on Government Operations.
Senate Bill 463 prohibits advertising marijuana on billboards and has been referred to the Judiciary committee. It was introduced by Senator Rick Jones (R). There is also House Bill 4767 introduced by Andy Schor (R) which also prohibits marijuana billboards.
Have Passed Both Houses
House Bill 4323 and 4313 have been passed by both the House and the Senate. They are the Omnibus Budget bills for the state government and the educational budget. They passed along party lines and they are awaiting Governor Snyder’s signature. This budget is a 2.9% increase over last year.
Senate Bill 219 has passed both houses and is becoming law. It does deal with some details of obtaining a concealed carry permit. It is not a bill concerning concealed carry with no permit or training.
Senate Bill 245 has passed both houses and is becoming law. It repeals a ban on switchblade knives.
House Bill 4647 and Senate Bill 401 have also passed both houses. These bills close the current state-run school employees pension funds to new hires. These bills were opposed by teachers’ unions and current and retired teachers.
I am adding information from the Michigan Action list. I am very concerned about concealed carry with no training or permits.
2) We believe in common sense gun laws.
Thank you to Indivisible Dexter for language for and research on this action.
We featured this action in our May 2 and June 6 newsletters. Unfortunately, it passed the House and is now in committee in the Senate.
The right to own guns comes with great responsibility and an awareness of the inherent dangers of possessing something that can cause such devastation. Currently, residents in Michigan must obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun, which entails a certain level of training and instruction on the laws. As a gun instructor with 40 years of training at Gunsite Academy said, “There are no gun accidents, only gun negligence.” If House Bill 4416 becomes law, then any citizen will be able to carry a concealed handgun without any gun safety training or study of the laws. This will inevitably open up more opportunities for those guns to be unsecured in more places and end up in the wrong hands.
Talking Points:
• Without licensure there will be no training/gun safety requirement.
• Without licensure there will be no requirement to understand the laws.
• More opportunities for uneducated gun owners to transport and place unsecured guns in more locations will result in more gun tragedies.
Take Action:
Let the Senate Committee on Government Operations know that you oppose House Bill 4416. If your senator is on the committee, call them directly. Otherwise, contact the committee chair and minority vice-chair.
Senate Committee on Government Operations:
Jim Ananich (Minority Vice-Chair) (517) 373-0142 senjananich@senate.michigan.gov
Goeff Hansen (Vice-Chair) (517) 373-1635 senghansen@senate.michigan.gov
Morris Hood (517) 373-0990 senmhood@senate.michigan.gov
Mike Kowall (517) 373-1758 senmkowall@senate.michigan.gov
Arlan Meekhof (Chair) (517) 373-6920 senameekhof@senate.michigan.gov
Chair Minority Vice-Chair
The Honorable Arlan B. Meekhof
State Senator
State Capitol
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Phone: (517) 373-6920
Fax: (517) 373-2751
E-Mail: senameekhof@senate.michigan.gov
Website: SenatorArlanMeekhof.com
Office: Room S-106, Capitol Building
The Honorable Jim Ananich
State Senator
State Capitol
P.O. Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536
Phone: (517) 373-0142
Fax: (517) 373-3938
E-Mail: senjananich@senate.michigan.gov
Website: ananich.senatedems.com
Office: Room S-105, Capitol Building
Press on the subject:
• http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2016/02/concealed_pistols_without_perm.html
• http://dianerehm.org/shows/2016-08-18/the-rise-of-concealed-carry-laws-in-the-states
Gun-activism sites that question sensibility of constitutional carry and concealed carry without a permit/training:
• http://www.offthegridnews.com/self-defense/the-big-overlooked-problem-with-constitutional-carry/
• https://www.concealedcarry.com/law/constitutional-carry-and-permitless-carry-in-depth-overview/
Have a good week resisting and making our state wonderful.